CrazyAssVkei ?!
twitter account dedicated to crazy ass moments that happened in visual kei (ヴィジュアル系) history
"psychedelic violence, crime of visual shock" visual kei is a japanese music movement and subculture which began in the early 80s. this movement is known for its elaborate "shocking" visuals inspired at first by glam rock.

this account posts amazing, crazy, unexpected moments that happened in the history of visual kei. this account will also bring awareness on lost media related to visual kei in order to archive as many content as possible.

this account can choose to not upload certain requests. please be respectful while interacting with this account and refrain from joking about real people dying and racism. trigger warnings will be added in tweets if necessary.

please dm this account if you have any requests, and make sure to add if you want your request to be anonymous or not. it would be greatly appreciated if pictures, videos and other types of medias are sent with the request !

-this carrd was created by using this tutorial
-all of the yoshiki images were taken from the rusty nail animated mv. yoshiki starts appearing at 4:02